Updated – WISMO228 Library for Arduino
We have just updated the WISMO228 library for Arduino which is used on our TraLog shield. Some of the changes are as follow:
- Reduce the amount of RAM usage by moving all AT command responses from WISMO228 into flash which allows the complete use of the “stream find” function.
- Added HTTP PUT method which can be used to upload data to Cosm or Pachube. An example is also added on using the HTTP PUT method to upload data to Cosm.
- Added retry mechanism to connect to GPRS.
- Added retry mechanism to open a port with remote server.
- Removed power up delay and replaced with module ready query.
Coming up next is a sample project on how to use the TraLog shield as a vehicle tracking & logging device. Most of the changes on the library was done based on the problems & bugs we faced during this project. For example, establishing a GPRS connection can be trickier and harder on a moving vehicle compared to a stagnant position. Another big challenge was making the footprint of the library as small as possible (while adding more functionality) as we also need use the SD library for logging and also the TinyGPS library for GPS NMEA output decoding.
Take care & happy tinkering.
I am very interested in this board.
When will it be back in stock?
Does the new version will introduce changes?
Thank you.
New version PCB is currently being manufactured.
Lots of improvement are added which includes out of the box support for Mega2560 & Leonardo boards.