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  • #9569


    I’ve installed the software in the Arduino IDE (1.8.5) as requested (board software version 1.6.19) and run successfully the blink example.
    But when I try the Lora-TTN-Example the serial port all of a sudden disappears. Only chance to get it back is to double press the reset button.

    Arduino: 1.8.5 (Mac OS X), Board: “Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port)”

    Sketch uses 42484 bytes (16%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
    Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found
    Device : ATSAMD21G18A
    Chip ID : 10010005
    Version : v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Dec 20 2016 15:36:39
    Address : 8192
    Pages : 3968
    Page Size : 64 bytes
    Total Size : 248KB
    Planes : 1
    Lock Regions : 16
    Locked : none
    Security : false
    Boot Flash : true
    BOD : true
    BOR : true
    Arduino : FAST_CHIP_ERASE
    Erase flash
    done in 0.854 seconds

    Write 42844 bytes to flash (670 pages)

    [== ] 9% (64/670 pages)
    [===== ] 19% (128/670 pages)
    [======== ] 28% (192/670 pages)
    [=========== ] 38% (256/670 pages)
    [============== ] 47% (320/670 pages)
    [================= ] 57% (384/670 pages)
    [==================== ] 66% (448/670 pages)
    [====================== ] 76% (512/670 pages)
    [========================= ] 85% (576/670 pages)
    [============================ ] 95% (640/670 pages)
    [==============================] 100% (670/670 pages)
    done in 0.304 seconds

    Verify 42844 bytes of flash with checksum.
    Verify successful
    done in 0.039 seconds
    CPU reset.

    But then I try to open the serial monitor and I do get this message:

    Board at /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 is not available

    KR Bernd


    Hi Bernd,


    Is this the example found here?

    If yes, the board went into sleep mode hence it will disappear from your USB COM port list. And double press in quick succession of the reset button would allow you to load program.


    yes – exactly this example. I’d expect to get a “connected” message on the TTN Console (as I used the DevID and AppId from another board that already worked fine) but nothing happened. So I’ll wait … or how can I check that the board is working (I also see no decrease in power consumption, it’s always 0.03A)


    yes – exactly this example. I’d expect to get a “connected” message on the TTN Console (as I used the DevID and AppId from another board that already worked fine) but nothing happened.

    The board has a built-in DEVEUI that it reads and uses them. Unless you hard code them, the code uses this. So, if your backend on TTN is mismatch due to this, then it’s obvious it won’t get registered.

    or how can I check that the board is working (I also see no decrease in power consumption, it’s always 0.03A)

    Probably it went to sleep hence a lower current (but you are powering by USB hence it’s not uA range although sleeping). Try loading a known simple sketch like blink to get the board detected all the time by the PC again.

    If you are ready for sleep mode yet at this stage while testing, you can always comment out the sleeping portion to see whether it works.


    Hello Lim,

    thank you for your support. Now my Mini Ultra works fine and sends data to TTN. I think my problem was the DEVID which I configured wrongly and caused the system to hang. I also had to close the 2 soldering jumpers (also on my V3).

    KR Bernd

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