
Analog Devices posted a tutorial on how to use their new ultra low power accelerometer ADXL362 with our Low Power Arduino compatible library and Mini Ultra 8 MHz. Awesome and very detail step by step guide is included in the tutorial! Thank you Anne for all the good work and effort!  Read more

After months of work, the TraLog shield is finally released and up for sale! An Arduino compatible library for the on-board WISMO228 GSM-GPRS module is also made available on GitHub! We are currently trying to populate the wiki for this product as fast as we can. And we can’t wait to see what you guys will do with the TraLog shield. Read more

The reflow oven controller shield has been running dry in stock for a month or so. We decided to make some small improvement and most importantly, reducing the cost along the way. We managed to squeeze the price down to USD39 from USD43. Read more

We just uploaded a MAX31855 library for Arduino on Github. Read more

It seems that the month of September will always be the month full of surprises and excitement. The Open Hardware Summit and Maker Faire New York that takes place on the same weekend provides many surprises and news that the community crave for. The Arduino team has revealed several new boards and also the new Arduino 1.0 IDE. Read more